Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2018 | 2017年苦瓜品種競賽田間栽培記實 | 林照能 ; 李碩朋 ; 王三太 ; 陳甘澍 | 台灣之種苗 | | | |
2006 | 94 年度農友社會福利基金會舉辦台南、高雄、屏東三縣鄉鎮社區美化比賽評審過程記實 | 陳甘澍 | 園藝之友 | | | |
2015 | Cell wall reinforcement in watermelon shoot base related to its resistance to Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp niveum | T.-H. CHANG; Y.-H. LIN; Kan-Shu Chen ; J.-W. HUANG; S.-C. HSIAO; P.-F. L. CHANG | The Journal of Agricultural Science | | 12 | |
2019 | Curd Initiation and Transformation in Tropical Cauliflower Cultivars under Different Temperature Treatments | Chen-Yu Lin ; Kan-Shu Chen ; Hsuan-Ping Chen; Hsiang-I Lee ; Ching-Hsiang Hsieh | HortScience | | 5 | |
2020 | Degenerated Virulence and Irregular Development of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum Induced by Successive Subculture | Tao-Ho Chang; Ying-Hong Lin; Yu-Ling Wan; Kan-Shu Chen ; Jenn-Wen Huang; Pi-Fang Linda Chang | Journal of Fungi | | 10 | |
2009 | Development of a molecular method for rapid differentiation of watermelon lines resistant to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp niveum | Ying-Hong Lin; Kan-Shu Chen ; Tsung-Dao Liou; Jenn-Wen Huang; Pi-Fang Linda Chang | Botanical Studies | | 11 | |
2010 | Development of the molecular methods for rapid detection and differentiation of Fusarium oxysporum and F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum in Taiwan | Ying-Hong Lin; Kan-Shu Chen ; Jing-Yi Chang; Yu-Ling Wan; Ching-Chi Hsu; Jenn-Wen Huang; Pi-Fang Linda Chang | New Biotechnology | | 56 | |
2015 | Disease severity and colonization of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum transformants on watermelon | Chang, P. F.; Chan, P. H.; Lin, Y. H.; Chen, C. C.; Chen, K. S. ; Huang , J. W. | Phytopathology | | 0 | |
2016 | Effect of Neutralized Phosphorus Acid on Powdery Mildew and Fruit Quality of Muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) in Greenhouse | Chen-Yu Lin ; Kan-Shu Chen ; Ya-Suie Hwang; Hui-Ling Lo ; Cheng-Fang Hong; 林楨祐 ; 陳甘澍 ; 黃雅穗; 羅惠齡 ; 洪爭坊 | 台灣農業研究 | | 0 |  |
2021 | The effects and mechanisms on abiotic and biotic stress tolerance of Chinese cabbages induced by Bacillus mycoides | T. H. Chang; W. Y. Chang; K. S. Chen ; J. W. Huang; P. F. L. Chang | Phytopathology | | 0 | |
2002 | 'Fengshan 036', a white bitter gourd cultivar | Tsung-Dao Liou; Kan-Shu Chen ; Shough-Peng Lee ; Jaw-Neng Lin ; Shing-Jy Tsao; Yau-Wen Yang | HortScience | | 2 |  |
2004 | Genetic diversity and relationship of non-heading Chinese cabbage in Taiwan | Hsue-Yu Chuang; Shing-Jy Tsao; Jaw-Neng Lin ; Kan-Shu Chen ; Tsung-Dao Liou; Mei-Chu Chung; Yau-Wen Yang | Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica | | 6 | |
2008 | Histopathology comparison and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) gene expressions in Fusarium wilt infected watermelons | P.-F. L. Chang; C.-C. Hsu; Y.-H. Lin; Kan-Shu Chen ; J.-W. Huang; T.-D. Liou | Australian Journal of Agricultural Research | | 25 | |
2015 | Importance of root infection in guava wilt caused by Nalanthamala psidii | C. F. Hong; H. Y. Hsieh ; K. S. Chen ; H. C. Huang | Plant Pathology | | 2 | |
2019 | Involvement of jasmonates signaling pathway in watermelon-Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum interactions | Chang, P. F. L.; Lin, H. T.; Chang, T. H.; Lin, Y. H.; Chen, K. S. ; Huang, J. W. | Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions | | 0 | |
2009 | Molecular detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp niveum, the causing agent of watermelon Fusarium wilt disease | Chang, P.; Lin, Y. H.; Chang, J.; Chen, K. ; Huang, J. | Phytopathology | | 0 | |
2019 | Successive subculture induced the degeneration of virulence and development on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum | Chang, T. H.; Wan, Y. L.; Lin, Y. H.; Chen, K. S. ; Huang, J. W.; Chang, P. F. L. | Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions | | 0 | |
2001 | Two heat-tolerant F-1 hybrids of Chinese cabbage | Yau-Wen Yang; Ching-Chang Tsai; Tsung-Dao Liou; Kan-Shu Chen | HortScience | | 2 | |
2005 | 不同培養基及培植體對芥藍芽體再生影響之研究 | 邱金春; 陳甘澍 | 中國園藝 | | | |
1991 | 亞熱帶地區花椰菜低活力種子之探討及種子品質改良之研究 | 劉政道; 陳甘澍 | 中國園藝 | | | |