Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2024 | The Bacterial Stalk Rot of Maize Caused by Dickeya oryzae in Taiwan | Chia-Hsin Tsai ; Shu-Ling Hwang; Jia-Rong Ku; Mei-Ju Lin ; Ching-Yi Lin ; Cheng-Ping Kuan ; Chin-Chih Chen ; 蔡佳欣 ; 黃淑苓; 古家榮; 林玫珠 ; 林靜宜 ; 關政平 ; 陳金枝 | 台灣農業研究 | | 0 | |
2006 | Capsicum chlorosis virus 感染彩色海芋之血清學及分子生物特性之鑑定 | 陳金枝 ; 黃春惠; 陳宗祺; 葉錫東; 陳麗雯; 鄭櫻慧 ; 張清安; Chin-Chih Chen ; Huang, C. H.; Chen, T. C.; Yeh, S. D.; Chen, L. W.; Ying-Huey Cheng ; Chang, C. A. | 植物病理學會刊 | | | |
1998 | Characterization of a potyvirus causing mild mosaic on tuberose | Chen, C.C. ; Chang, C.A. | Plant Disease | | 12 | |
1996 | Characterization of Passionfruit Crinkle Potyvirus - a Newly Found Virus Infecting Passionfruit | C.A. Chang; C.C. Chen ; T.C. Deng; F.W. Zettler; 張清安; 陳金枝 ; 鄧汀欽 ; Zettler, F.W. | 植物保護學會會刊 | | | |
2003 | Chrysanthemum mosaic virus B 多元抗體之製備及其在偵測上之應用 | 林玫珠 ; 陳金枝 ; 張清安; Mei-Ju Lin ; Chin-Chih Chen ; Chang, C. A. | 植物病理學會刊 | | | |
2004 | Cross-protection effectiveness of the mild strains of Turnip mosaic virus derived from point mutations in HC-Pro region | Chin-Chih Chen ; Huang, Chun-Huei; Chang, Chin-An; Yeh, Shyi-Dong | 植物病理學會刊 | | 0 | |
2017 | Cymbidium ringspot virus 核酸及血清檢測法之建立及其應用 | 陳金枝 ; 江芬蘭; Chin-Chih Chen ; Fen-Lang Chiang | 台灣農業研究 | | 0 | |
2023 | Development of a multiplex assay based on PCR for detection of orchid viruses | Cheng-Ping Kuan ; Hsiao, C. J.; Chin-Chih Chen ; 關政平 ; 蕭崇仁; 陳金枝 | 植物醫學 | | | |
2005 | Effectiveness of different insertion sites in the genome of Turnip mosaic virus vector on the expression of foreign proteins in plants | Chin-Chih Chen ; Chen, Li-Wen; Chang, Chin-An; Yeh, Shyi-Dong | 植物病理學會刊 | | | |
2007 | Emerging viral diseases of cucurbits in Taiwan | Chang, Chin-An; Ting-Chin Deng ; Liao, Jye-Yann; Chin-Chih Chen ; Ying-Huey Cheng ; Chen, Tsung-Chi; Yeh, Shyi-Dong | Symposium of International Workshop on the Cucurbit Diseases and Resistance Breeding | | | |
2006 | Evaluation of resistance in natural or genetically modified host plants to Ageratum yellow vein virus by agroinfection with infectious viral cDNA clones | Ying-Huey Cheng ; Wang, Jao-Ping; Chin-Chih Chen ; Chang, Chin-An | 植物病理學會刊 | | | |
2024 | The Fifth Residue of the Coat Protein of Turnip Mosaic Virus Is Responsible for Long-Distance Movement in a Local-Lesion Host and Aphid Transmissibility in a Systemic Host | Wen-Chi Hu; Jui-Chi Tsai; Hao-Wen Cheng; Chung-Hao Huang; Joseph A. J. Raja; Fang-Yu Chang; Chin-Chih Chen ; Chu-Hui Chiang; Shyi-Dong Yeh | Phytopathology | | 0 | |
2014 | First Report of Euphorbia leaf curl virus and Papaya leaf curl Guangdong virus on Passion Fruit in Taiwan | Y. H. Cheng ; T. C. Deng ; Chin-Chih Chen ; C. H. Chiang; C. A. Chang | Plant Disease | | 13 | |
2011 | First Report of Pepper mottle virus in Bell Pepper in Taiwan | Y. H. Cheng ; T. C. Deng ; C.C. Chen ; J. Y. Liao; C. A. Chang; C. H. Chiang | Plant Disease | | 14 | |
2009 | First Report of Pepper veinal mottle virus in Tomato and Pepper in Taiwan | Y. H. Cheng ; R. Y. Wang; C. C. Chen ; C. A. Chang; F.-J. Jan | Plant Disease | | 12 | |
2009 | Full-length sequence analysis of a distinct isolate of Bidens mottle virus infecting sunflower in Taiwan | J. Y. Liao; Chung-Chi Hu; C. C. Chen ; C.H. Chang; T. C. Deng | Archives of Virology | | 4 | |
2014 | Genetic Analyses of the FRNK Motif Function of Turnip mosaic virus Uncover Multiple and Potentially Interactive Pathways of Cross-Protection | Kung, Yi-Jung; Lin, Pin-Chun; Yeh, Shyi-Dong; Hong, Syuan-Fei; Chua, Nam-Hai; Liu, Li-Yu; Lin, Chan-Pin; Huang, Yu-Hsin; Wu, Hui-Wen; Chin-Chih Chen ; Lin, Shih-Shun | Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions | | 46 | |
2004 | Identification of a Potyvirus Causing Latent Infection in Calla Lilies | C.C. Chen ; C. A. Chang; H. T. Tsai ; H. T. Hsu | Plant Disease | | 7 | |
2012 | Identification of Capsicum Chlorosis Virus Causing Chlorotic Spots and Stripes on Calla Lily | Tsung-Chi Chen; Chin-An Chang; Ya-Chi Kang; Shyi-Dong Yeh; Chun-Huei Huang; Chin-Chih Chen ; 陳宗祺; 張清安; 康雅琪; 葉錫東; 黃春惠; 陳金枝 | 台灣農業研究 | | 0 | |
2003 | Identification of Turnip mosaic virus Isolates Causing Yellow Stripe and Spot on Calla Lily | Chin-Chih Chen ; C. H. Chao; C. C. Chen; S. D. Yeh; H. T. Tsai ; C. A. Chang | Plant Disease | | 48 | |