
Results 1-20 of 25 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourcescopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12003Activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in leaves of different cultivars of Liriope spicata L. on 10% SDS-PAGE gelsWen-Chi Hou; Yeh-Lin Lu; Sin-Yie Liu; Yaw-Huei LinBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 12
22001Adventitious shoot regeneration from stem internode explants of Adenophora triphylla (Thunb.) A. DC. (Campanulaceae) - an important medicinal herbChung-Chuan Chen; Suh-Jau Chen; Abhay P. Sagare; Hsin-Sheng TsayBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 30
32002Analysis of Phytophthora parasitica by retrotransposon-derived DNA fingerprintingRuey-Fen Liou; Jent-Turn Lee; Hsiao-Ching Lee; Pao-Jen AnnBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 5
42004Antioxidant activities of methanolic and hot-water extracts from leaves of three cultivars of Mai-Men-Dong (Liriope spicata L.)Wen-Chi HOU; Wen-Chung WU; Chih-Yuan YANG; Hsien-Jung CHEN; Sin-Yie LIU; Yaw-Huei LINBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 18
51991Concurrent dynamic model in stability analysisHsiu-Ying Lu; Hong-Pang Wu; 呂秀英; 鄔宏潘Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 
62002Conservation of Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata by artificial cross-pollination and in vitro culture of seedsYih-Juh Shiau ; Abhay P. Sagare; Uei-Chin Chen; Shu-Ru Yang; Hsin-Sheng TsayBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 44
72000Construction and evaluation of transgenic tobacco plants expressing the coat protein gene of papaya ringspot virus with different translation leadersYing-Huey Cheng ; Shyi-Dong YehBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 2
82003Expression of a Bacillus thuringiensis cry1C gene in plastid confers high insecticidal efficacy against tobacco cutworm - a Spodoptera insectChi-Hui Lin; Yen-Yu Chen; Ching-Chou Tzeng; Hsin-Sheng Tsay; Liang-Jwu ChenBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 12
92004Genetic diversity and relationship of non-heading Chinese cabbage in TaiwanHsue-Yu Chuang; Shing-Jy Tsao; Jaw-Neng Lin ; Kan-Shu Chen ; Tsung-Dao Liou; Mei-Chu Chung; Yau-Wen YangBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 6
101976Induction of Rice Plantlets from Anther CultureCHEN, C.C.; LIN, M.H.Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 
111981Inheritance of Amylose Content and Gel Consistency in RiceWang-Lai Chang; Wan-Ying Li; 張萬來; 李婉瑩Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 
122002Integrated control of black rot disease of wasabi, caused by Phoma wasabiaeChaur-Tsuen Lo; Kuei-Mai Wang; Ming-Fu Hu; Chong-Ho WangBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 2
131997Isolation of cDNA clones for genes that are specifically expressed in the rice embryoPeng-Wen Chen; Li-Wen Fang; Juey-Wen Lin; Hsin-Sheng Tsay; Hsin-Kan Wu; Liang-Jwu ChenBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 11
141999Leaf, stem and crown galls on perennial asters caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens in TaiwanFure-Chyi Chen; Shiow-Huey Hseu ; Shio-Tau Hung; Ming-Chao Chen; Chien-Yih LinBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 7
151998Mating type distribution and pathogenicity of Phytophthora infestans in TaiwanP.J. Ann; T.T. Chang; L.L. Chern; 安寶貞; 張東柱; 陳麗鈴Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 
162002Molecular characterization of Tuberose mild mosaic virus and preparation of its antiserum to the coat protein expressed in bacteriaChin-Chih Chen ; Tom Hsiang; Fen-Lan Chiang; Chin-An ChangBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 7
172000Nutrient dynamics of two aquatic angiosperms in an alpine lake, TaiwanYuan-Hsun Hwang; Chiou-Fang Liou; I-Szu WengBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 5
181994Pedigree analysis of soybean varietiesLin, Maw Sun; Lin, S. F.Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 
191993Polymorphic differentiation and genetic variation of soybean by RFLP analysisLong-Fang Oliver Chen; Guang-Chao Chen; Shun-Fu Lin; Shu-Chen Grace ChenBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 
201991Selection of cell lines with high DAPI stainability from rice (Oryza sativa L.) suspension culture for protoplast isolation and regenerationLong-Fang O. Chen; Wen-Hei Chen; Hsin-Sheng TsayBotanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica