
Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourcescopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12015Application of internal transcribed spacers and maturase K markers for identifying Anoectochilus, Ludisia, and LudochilusJ.-R. Chen; Y.-J. Shiau Biologia Plantarum 6
21999Effects of Abscisic Acid and Water Stress on the Senescence of Detached Rice LeavesJ.-N. Lin; J.-W. Wang; C.H. KaoBiologia Plantarum 16
32000Involvement of Lipid Peroxidation in Water Stress-Promoted Senescence of Detached Rice LeavesJaw-Neng Lin ; C. H. KaoBiologia Plantarum 13
42005Propagation of Haemaria discolor via in vitro seed germinationY.-J. Shiau ; S. M. Nalawade; C.-N. Hsai; H.-S. TsayBiologia Plantarum 17
52016A rice mutant defective in antioxidant-defense system and sodium homeostasis possesses increased sensitivity to salt stressK. -C. Lin; W.-S. Jwo ; N. N. P. Chandrika; T. -M. Wu; M. -H. Lai ; C. -S. Wang; C. -Y. HongBiologia Plantarum 8