
Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

English NameFull NameDepartmentResearch Field
Che-Wei Chu禇哲維 Flower Breeding Laboratory Flower breeding, Utilization and conservation of native species
Chen-Hsuan Wu吳承軒 Flower Environment Laboratory Plant physiology, Plant nutrition, Plant diagnosis/analysis, Postharvest
Ching-Hui Chung鍾淨惠 Flower Environment Laboratory Breeding,flower post-harvest,molecular biology
Jin-Tong Chen陳錦桐 Flower Environment Laboratory Research on recycling agriculture, environmental control technology for mushroom cultivation and mushroom compost fermentation technology, development of plant protection microbial agents
Keng-Chang Chuang莊耿彰 Flower Breeding Laboratory Floriculture, Fruit tree breeding, Flower breeding, Tissue Culture
Ming-Hsuan Tsai蔡明軒 Flower Environment Laboratory 植物生理學、光合作用分析
Rung-Yi Wu吳容儀 Flower Environment Laboratory Flower culture, Orchid culture, Native orchid prezervation and utilizilation, Flower breeding and propagation, Tissue culture
Szu-Lun Lai賴思倫 Flower Environment Laboratory Flower scienceOrchid cultivationTissue culturePost-harvest treatment of flowers
Ting-En Dai戴廷恩 Floricultural Experiment Branch Plant tissue culture, Plant physiology, Genetic Diversity
Ting-Wei Chiu邱亭瑋 Flower Breeding Laboratory 植物生理學、分子生物學
Tung-Mine Tsai蔡東明 Flower Breeding Laboratory Flower cultivation, breeding, Plant tissue culture
Wei-Ling Chen陳葦玲 產業應用系 
Yang-Hsin Hsu許揚昕 Flower Environment Laboratory Plant Physiology, Molecular biotechanology, and Analyses of Secondary metanolites