Title: | 黃麻鐘麻及泰國麻生理學的比較研究(II) 光度感應性之研究 | Other Titles: | Physiological Studies on Jute, Kenaf and Roselle (II) Study on Light Intensity | Authors: | 季景元 許水田 C.Y. Chi S.T. Hsu |
Keywords: | 生理學;光度感應性;泰國麻;黃麻;鐘麻 | Issue Date: | Sep-1970 | Publisher: | 中華農學會 | Journal Issue: | 新71 | Start page/Pages: | 14-28 | Source: | 中華農學會報 | Abstract: | 本研究工作連續2年,53年度係用麻袋原料,黃麻園果種3品種,鐘麻2品種,泰國麻1品種,54年加用黃麻長莢種1品種,從事光度感應性之研究,以比較黃麻、鐘麻及泰國麻品種間生長及開花之影響,概用缽栽。各處理播種發芽後,?移入林渭訪氏所設計之竹格光罩中,以控制透光度,是乃用竹片之寬度調節通光孔之大小,由竹片寬度與通光孔格之比例,計算通光率,本研究乃以光度16%及36%為準,各處理30, 50 及90天,分別調查株高開花期等,以與不遮光之對照光照者比較,麻株收穫,53年係以種子成熟為準,54年係以纖維為準,以生長曲線及圖表,分別簡?結果如次: (一)不論光度之多少及處理時間之長短,黃麻生長較速,鐘麻次之,泰國麻最慢,與不遮光之自然光對照區,有同一趨勢,且兩年結果相同。 (二) 不同光度各處理時間之營養生長日數,均以泰國麻及鐘麻No. 51最長,黃麻最短,其4品種之順序為Solimoes> 長莢種> 臺農2號> 臺農1號,是與自然光照對處理之趨勢一致,兩年結果相同。 (三)各品種不同光度不同處理時間之營養生長日數,一般較對照全期自然光照者為長,兩年結果相同,或係遮光後溫度較低所致。 (四)不同光度各處理時間之株高,與遮光時間有關,遮光時間愈短,則株高愈高,經光度36%處理之麻株,亦較經16%處理者為高,而黃麻Solimoes 在不同之遮光時間差異較小,受遮光之影響亦小。可見黃麻鐘麻及泰國麻生長,多需充分日光,而對短日照鈍感之品種,需要光度亦小。 (五)53年各品種不同光度處理時間之採種量,遮光者與自然光照者完全一致,顯示不同光度與處理時間之長短,對於採種量並無影響。 (六)54年各品種不同光度處理時間,乾粗皮重之變異,以遮光時間愈短者,產量愈高,經光度36%處理之產量,又較經16%處理者為高。 Three varieties of jute, (Corchorus capsularis L.) main material for making gunny sack, and its substitutes, two varieties of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) and one variety of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L. var. altissima) in 1964 and the same material together with an Indian jute variety of Corchorus olitorius in 1965 had been selected as materials to study the effect of different light intensities on their growth and yield of seed in 1964 and that of fiber in 1965. Each of these materials was grown 4 plants in each of 14 pots. These pots were divided into 7 sets. After germination, these plants were treated in light shelter where two different light intensities of 16% and 36% were controlled by bamboo splints woven in screen form for 30, 40 and 95 days respectively. They were compared with natural light as check. The results are described briefly with reference of growth curves and tables as follows: (1) No matter which light intensities and duration of treatments, the order of growth rate is usually kenaf > jute > roselle. This tendency is the same as check. The result from two years is also the same. (2) The order of vegetative growth days is usually roselle> 2 varieties of kenaf> jute Solimoes > C. olitorius > Tainung No. 2> Tainung No.1. This tendency is almost the same as check. (3) The vegetative growth days of different treatments are usually longer than that of check. The result from two years is almost the same and may be due to lower temperature in the shelter. (4) The plant height of different crops or varieties increases with the decreases of time in the shelter. Their plant height under light intensities of 36% are higher than that of 16%. However, for jute Solimoes, the difference among different times of light shelter is quite small and the effect of shelter on growth is also small. (5) The tendency is the same among different treatments and check that are almost no effect on seed collection in 1964. (6) In 1965 the yield of dry crude fiber of different crops or varieties increases with the decreases of time in shelter. Their yields of dry crude fiber under light intensity of 36% are higher than that of 16%. |
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ISSN: | 0578-1434 |
Appears in Collections: | 臺南棉麻試驗分所(1952-1977) |
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