Title: | 中部地區稻豆輪作體系經營管理之研究 | Other Titles: | Studies on Rotation Systems of Rice and Soybean in the Central Region of Taiwan | Authors: | 陳鐶斌 郭建志 Hwan-Bin Chen Chien-Chih Kuo |
Keywords: | 大豆;秋作;產量;soybean;rice;rotation systems;yield | Issue Date: | Nov-2018 | Publisher: | 農業試驗所 | Journal Issue: | 105 | Start page/Pages: | 127-130 | Source: | 雜糧作物試驗研究年報 | Abstract: | 本研究以輪作體系處理分為(A)水稻-水稻 (對照組) 及 (B) 水稻-大豆。其中參試品種為一期作水稻品種台中194、二期作為台稉9 號及大豆台南3 號,進行稻豆輪作體系各期作對病蟲害發生、作物灌水量及收益之評估。試驗結果顯示一期作水稻二化螟危害率以輪作體系B較佳,危害率僅2%。作物灌水量以輪作體系B(水稻-大豆)全年每公頃灌溉水量37,668 立方公尺,較慣行耕作體系A (水稻-水稻) 全年每公頃灌溉水量44,370 立方公尺,減少6,702 立方公尺,減少比率達15.11%。稻豆耕作體系與慣行耕作體系中一期稻作產量比較,每公頃可增加568 公斤,約增幅7%左右,淨收益增加15,023 元。一期作水稻二期大豆 (B) 每公頃合計收益239,595 元 (含契作補貼) 較慣行輪作之雙期水稻體系 (A) 合計收益146,858 元,可增加92,737元且增幅達63%。整體上,雙期作水田中二期轉作大豆之耕作制度下,可增加一期作水稻產量外,同時阻斷或減緩病蟲害發生,提高該區水資源利用效率,為優良輪作制度之一。 The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate (A) rice-rice (control test) and (B) rice-soybean on pests and disease occurrence, water demand and income in the central region of Taiwan in 2016. The results showed that the damage of rice stem borers was lower in the 1st crop season of the rotation system B , which was only 2%. The water demand amount was 37,668 m3/ha in the rotation system B (rice-soybean). Compared with the conventional rotation system A (rice-rice), the annual water demand was 44,370 m3/ha. The rotation system B(rice-soybean) was reduced 6,702 (m3/ha) than the conventional rotation system A (rice-rice), with a reduction ratio of 15.11%.In the comparison of rice yield at the 1st season, the rotation system B was increased 568 kg/ha, an increase of about 7%, and the net income was increased 15,023 nt/ha.The total income of the rotation system B was 239,595 nt/ha,which was more than the total income of the rotation system A which was 146,858 nt/ha, which can be increased 92,737 nt/ha and Increase ratio was to 63%.On the whole, the paddy rice field transferred to soybean rotation System can increase the production of rice in the 1st reason, while blocking or slowing the occurrence of pests and disease, and the efficiency of water was used best, which was one of the excellent rotation systems. |
URI: | | ISBN: | 978-986-05-7330-5 |
Appears in Collections: | (1)作物組 |
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