Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2000 | 3S(GIS、GPS、DDS)技術在精準農業上之應用 | 劉滄棽 ; 陳琦玲 ; 林毓雯 ; 劉禎祺 ; Tsang-Sen Liu ; Chi-Ling Chen ; Yu-Weri Lin ; Jen-Chyi Liu | 水稻精準農業(耕)體系之研究 | | | |
1999 | Acid vacin influences on the biological accumulation of heary metals in the crops and vegetables of Taiwan | Chen, Z. S.; Jen-Chyi Liu | Perspectives in ecology : a glance from the VII International Congress of Ecology, Florence 19-25 1998 | | | |
2004 | The Agricultural sector in Malaysia | Teng Tay Yeo | The 3rd APEC Workshop on Sustainable Agricultural Development | | | |
1961 | Agronomy: Studies On Yielding Capcity Of Rice Varieties Under High Temperature b. Research On The Agronomic Merit Of Photo-Sensitiveness In Rice | Yun-te Yao | 農業試驗所特刊;第3號 | | | |
1961 | Agronomy: Studies On Yielding Capcity Of Rice Varieties Under High Temperature c. Change Of Genotypes Of The Hybrid Populations In Response To Fertilizer And Other Environmental Factors | Chuan-in Chao | Proceedings Symposium Of Studies On The Causes Of Low Yield Of Rice In Tropical And Sub-Tropical Regions | | | |
1997 | Analysis of Fertilizer Responses and Efficiencies of Fertilizers Applied to Vegetables in the Hsilo Area of Taiwan | S. Lian; C.H. Wang; Y.C. Lee | Managing soil fertility for intensive vegetable production systems in Asia - proceedings | | | |
2004 | Application and mass production of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Agriculture | Wu, C. G.; C. H. Huang; Su-Chen Lin | International Symposium on Tropical Agriculture & Agro-biotechnology Proceedings | | | |
1994 | Benchmark soils selected from arable and slope lands of Taiwan | Hseu ZengYei; Nei YeaHuey; Horng-Yuh Guo ; Wang MingKo; Chen ZuengSang | Soils and Fertilizers in Taiwan | | | |
2004 | Biological Treatment Technology for Recycling Agricultural Waste for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Protection | Ping-Yi Yang | The 3rd APEC Workshop on Sustainable Agricultural Development | | | |
1992 | The carbon content and pedogenic processes of soils in Taiwan | Chen, Z.S.; Chiang, H.C.; Horng-Yuh Guo ; Eswaran, H. | Soils and Fertilizers in Taiwan | | | |
1997 | Chemical remediation treatments for soils contaminated with cad-mium and lead | Chen, Z. S.; G. J. Lee; Jen-Chyi Liu | Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements : proceedings of the extended abstracts | | | |
1996 | Comparative studies on the septal development in Ascobolaceae and Ciliarieae (Humariaceae) | Chi-Guang Wu; James W. Kimbrough; 吳繼光; 金柏詹姆斯 | Taiwania | | 0 | |
1989 | Constraints to the use of rice soils for upland crops in R.O.C. on Taiwan, with particular reference to corn | S. Lian; W. M. Hsiang | FFTC Extension Bulletin | | | |
1989 | Constraints to the use of rice soils for upland crops in R.O.C. on Taiwan, with particular reference to corn | S. Lian; W. M. Hsiang | Classification and management of rice growing soils | | | |
2004 | Country policy profile for Papua New Guinea forwards sustainable agriculture development | Vele Kagena | The 3rd APEC Workshop on Sustainable Agricultural Development | | | |
2008 | Diffuse Pollution by Livestock Production Systems and Manure Management | Oene Oenema; Harald Menzi | 農業非點源污染研討會論文集 | | | |
2000 | Effect of Hog Dung Compost on the Growth and Nitrogen Composition of Cabbage | Ren-Shih Chung; Zueng-Sang Chen; Shen-Lo Huang; 鍾仁賜; 陳尊賢; 黃盛洛 | 有機質肥料應用技術研討會專刊 | | | |
1979 | Effect of Low Calcium and High Levels of Potassium and Magnesium on 45Ca Mobility, Growth and Nutritional Disorders of Tomato Plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) | Tsai-Fa Chiu; 邱再發 | 中國農業化學會誌 | | | |
1976 | Effects of calcium and potassium on 45Ca mobility, growth and nutritional disorders of strawberry plants (Fragaria spp.) | T. F. Chiu; C. Bould | Journal of Horticultural Science | | 0 | |
1998 | The effects of composts and calcium confonat on the uptake of cadium and lead by vegotaffs grown in polluted soils | Jen-Chyi Liu ; Kok-Sun Looi; Zueng-Sang Chen; Dar-Yuan Lee; 劉禎祺 ; 盧國新; 陳尊賢; 李達源 | 中國環境工程學刊 | | | |