Title: | 玉米品種選育 | Other Titles: | The Improvement of Corn | Authors: | 謝光照 陳裕儒 Guang-Jauh Shieh Yu-Ru Chen |
Keywords: | 玉米;品種改良;corn;improvement | Issue Date: | Oct-2015 | Publisher: | 農業試驗所 | Journal Issue: | 102 | Start page/Pages: | 64-76 | Source: | 雜糧作物試驗研究年報 | Abstract: | 一、超甜玉米: 1. 自交系培育:春作完成超甜玉米溫帶型種源13 個 (HN575、彩玉、HN275、HN380、生生519、HN379、好滋味2 號、上品3 號、台農H-16、金麗1 號、F4、上品1 號、雪珍) 品種S3 世代之自交授粉,合計選留418 個S4。秋作繼續S5 世代之自交授粉工作,合計選留372 個S5。 2. 新品系產量比較試驗:溫帶型超甜玉米新品系產量比較試驗,12 根據鮮果穗產量、外表性狀、口感之果皮厚度及甜度等綜合考量後,選留8 組合表現較佳者。 3. 新品系區域試驗:雲林崙背試區與台中霧峰試區:春作含苞葉果穗鮮重與去苞葉果穗鮮重之表現,新品系SH101-01、SH101-02 明顯較對照種華珍高產。甜度之表現較對照種華珍高。 二、白糯玉米: 春作,霧峰試區:WX101-4 與WX101-6 之含苞葉果穗鮮重分別為11,531 與12,800 kg/ha,表現較對照種玉美珍高產。WX101-4 與WX101-6 之去苞葉果穗鮮重分別為9,378 與9,300kg/ha,表現較對照種玉美珍7982 kg/ha 高產;而WX101-5 表現與對照種無明顯差異。崙背試區參試新品系含苞葉果穗鮮重與去苞葉果穗鮮重表現與對照種玉美珍相近無明顯差異。秋作,崙背試區參試新品系含苞葉果穗鮮重與去苞葉果穗鮮重表現與對照種玉美珍相近無明顯差異。 三、飼料玉米 1. 自交系培育:春作將菲律賓No. 1、菲律賓703、泰國688、泰國Pacific No.11、泰國963 與廣西1 號等高產且抗銹病之品種進行S4世代自交授粉,成熟後根據果型等性狀選留442S5世代自交系;秋作進行 S5世代自交系兄妹交配繁殖。 2. 測交種種子生產:以菲律賓No. 1、菲律賓703、泰國688、泰國Pacific No.11、泰國963 與廣西1 號等高產且抗銹病之品種進行S5 世代自交系與優良自交系 (ICAL210、GX1M-10、泰888M 及Hi31A) 進行測交種生產,總計獲得1,626 個雜交種組合。 3. 青割玉米組合力檢定:以菲律賓No. 1、菲律賓703、泰國688、泰國Pacific No.11、泰國963與廣西1 號等高產且抗銹病之品種S5 世代自交系與優良自交系ICAL210 雜交之測交種431為材料與對照種台農1 號進行青割玉米產量組合力檢定試驗,結果顯示青割玉米產量高於5.8 kg/4p 獲選的組合有23 個。 4. 硬質玉米籽粒產量組合力檢定:(1) 將GX1M 品種進行自交系分離,選留培育至S5 世代之自交系25 個,與Hi31 進行雜交種生產。雜交種組合力評估顯示最高產的5 個新雜交組合,其籽粒產量介於7.8-9.5 kg/9.6 m2,較台農1 號增產率介於75-115%。(2) 以菲律賓No. 1、菲律賓703、泰國688、泰國Pacific No.11、泰國963 與廣西1 號等高產且抗銹病之品種S5自交系與優良自交系ICAL210 雜交之測交種431 為材料,進行籽粒產量組合力檢定試驗,籽粒產量與對照種台農1 號 (831 g/5ear) 比較,顯示測交種431 個組合中籽粒產量高於825g/5ear 的組合有13 個。 5. 新品系產量比較試驗 春作: 將前期GX1M 品種之自交系與Hi31 進行雜交種組合力評估試驗,選取其中籽粒最高產的4 個新雜交組合與對照種 (台農1 號及台南24 號) 進行新品系比較試驗,結果其籽粒產量介於5,762–8,273 kg/ha,其中1M-10xHi31 與1M-15xHi31 較對照種台農1 號增產率分別為18.5%及16.1%;且較對照種台南24 號增產率分別為28.9%及26.3% 。 秋作: 將GX1M 品種之自交系與Hi31 進行雜交種組合力評估試驗後,選取其中籽粒最高產的4 個新雜交組合與對照種 (台農1 號、台南24 號、明豐103 及新3 號)進行新品系比較試驗,結果所有參試品系 (品種) 其籽粒產量介於4,862–6,720 kg/ha,以國外引入之新品種明豐103 與新3 號具有較高之籽粒產量,分別為6,720 及6,533 kg/ha,其中1M-10 x Hi31 為5,734kg/ha 與1M-15 x Hi31 為5,627 kg/ha 較對照種明豐103 與新3 號低產,約在13–15%;但1M-10x Hi31 為與1M-15 x Hi31 與對照種台農1 號 (5,507 kg/ha) 及台24 號 (5,867 kg/ha) 無明顯差異。台農1 號田間銹病發病等級為3 級,其餘品種(系)均為1 級 (無銹病發生) (表14)。 The feed corn populations will collection and maintain these germplasm for breeding material. test the combining ability of the F1 hybrids for yield, and developed single crosses for high yield and disease resistant. The purpose of this study is to development high yield single cross for rice-upland crop rotation system and decrease production cost. Working term: 1.Corn germplasm will be collecting, testing and application. 2. Inbred lines were developed and improved. 3. Combining ability test. 4. Advanced yield trail. 5. Regional yield trail. Predict effect: The field of the new developed single crosses of the field corn outyield the check variety (TNG 1) by 20%. Their result as follow: 1. Supersweet corn:Select for plant and ear type was conducted to evaluate lines from ten varietys of supersweet corn, and the selected lines were 372(S5) inbred lines. And 12 F1 combinations were products, and testcrosses were conducted to evaluated the yield in the combining ability trial, and 8 F1 crosses were selected for higher ear yield, uniform ear type, and better pericarp tenderness. The SH101-01 and SH101-02 new hybrids had higher ear yield than the chick variety (Bright - jean) in the regional trial. 2. White waxy corn: 63 new F1 hybrids were evaluated in new varieties test for better quality, and 18F1 hybrids were selected. The WX101-04 and WX101-06 new hybrids had higher ear yield than the chick variety (White- pearl) in the regional trial. 3. The feed corn:Select for plant and ear type was conducted to evaluate lines from six varieties and the selected lines were 442 (S5) inbred lines. 1226 F1 hybrids were products. In the forage corn, 431 testcrosses were to evaluated the total fresh weight in the combining ability trial, and 23 F1 hybrid crosses were selected for higher fresh weight then the ck variety. In the grain corn, 431 testcrosses were to evaluated the total fresh weight in the combining ability trial, and 13 F1 hybrid crosses were selected for higher fresh weight then the ck variety (TNG1). The GX1M-10 x Hi31 and GX1M-15 x Hi31 new hybrids had higher ear yield than the chick variety (TNG 1) in the advanced yield trail. |
URI: | | ISBN: | 978-986-04-6433-7 |
Appears in Collections: | (1)作物組 |
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