Title: | General mechanisms of action of microbial biocontrol agents | Other Titles: | 微生物防治作物病害之一般作用機制 | Authors: | Chaur-Tsuen Lo 羅朝村 |
Keywords: | 生物防治;抗生作用;競生作用;微寄生作用;分解酵素作用;誘引作物產生抗性;biocontrol;antibiosis;competition;mycoparasitism;cell wall degrading enzymes;induced resistance | Issue Date: | Dec-1998 | Publisher: | 中華民國植物病理學會 | Journal Volume: | 7 | Journal Issue: | 4 | Start page/Pages: | 155-166 | Source: | 植物病理學會刊 | Abstract: | Biological disease control is an attractive alternative strategy for the control of plant diseases. Meanwhile, it also provides practices compatible with the goal of a sustainable agricultural system. Understanding the mechanisms of biological control of plant diseases through the interactions between antagonists and pathogens may allow us to select and construct the more effective biocontrol agents and to manipulate the soil environment to create a conducive condition for successful biocontrol. In the past decade, the innovative applications of molecular techniques have broadened our insight into the basis of biological control of plant diseases. Particularly, molecular approaches are useful in determining the relative contributions of different genetic traits in complicated processes. Insofar as we know, the mechanisms of biocontrol may involve and be divided into (i) antibiosis, (ii) competition, (iii) mycoparasitism, (iv) cell wall degrading enzymes, and (v) induced resistance. However, these mechanisms of biological control are probably never mutually exclusive. They may include one and more processes. 生物防治是目前一極具吸引力的作物病害防治替代策略;亦是執行永續農業體系目標發展的重要步驟之一。由於作物病害生物防治主要是在利用一或多種有益微生物來減少病害,因此瞭解病害生物防治的機制,特別是拮抗微生物與病原菌間的相互作用,將有助於吾人去管理或創造一個適合環境,以利生物防治的成功或改進生物防治策略。近年來,由於生物技術被引入病害生物防治機制的探討,使得人們對於拮抗微生物如何抑制病原菌的複雜過程;特別是不同的遺傳基因特性等,有了更深一層的瞭解。根據目前研究所知,病害生物防治的主要機制過程,大略可被區分為(i)抗生作用(ii)競生作用(iii)微寄生作用(iv)分解酵素作用(v)誘引作物產生抗性等。至於每一種拮抗微生物對病原菌的有效作用,則可能含著上述一種以上的作用過程。 |
URI: | |
ISSN: | 1021-9544 | DOI: | 10.6649/PPB.199812_7(4).0001 |
Appears in Collections: | (4)植物病理組 |
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