Title: | 不等滲調處理濃度對不同品種砧木茄子種子在低溫發芽之影響 | Other Titles: | Effects of Different Concentrations of Osmotic Treatment on the Seed Germination of Varied Varieties of Rootstock Eggplant at Low Temperature | Authors: | 陳怡菁 楊純明 邱凱瑩 Yi-Jing Chen Chwen-Ming Yang Kai-Ying Chiu |
Keywords: | 滲調處理;水楊酸;砧木茄子;種子發芽;低溫;Osmotic treatment;salicylic acid;Rootstock eggplant;seed germination;low temperature | Issue Date: | 5-Sep-2023 | Publisher: | 農業試驗所 | Journal Volume: | 72 | Journal Issue: | 3 | Start page/Pages: | 255-265 | Source: | 台灣農業研究 | Abstract: | 前人研究顯示,生長調節劑或滲調化學物質,如水楊酸鹽 (salicylic acid; SA),可利用於種子滲調處理,以提高發芽百分比與整齊度與縮短發芽所需時間,甚至於誘導產生耐抗生物性與生物性逆境之生長表現。本試驗即在於利用不等濃度SA 溶液滲調處理砧木茄子 ‘A105’ 與 ‘A108’ 兩品種之種子,在15℃低溫環境下探討其處理效果俾於未來應用。根據試驗結果,品種 ‘A105’ 在無SA 處理下之對照組 (control check; CK) 種子發芽百分比 (germination percentage; GP) 達98.67%,不等濃度SA 溶液處理後未再顯著提高GP。‘A108’ 品種之CK 種子GP 僅74.67%,不等濃度SA 溶液滲調處理後GP 皆大幅提升,然處理濃度間無顯著差異。平均發芽時間 (mean germination time; MGT) 在兩品種皆因SA 滲調處理有顯著縮短,‘A105’ 在0.01 mM 濃度處理下由CK 的8.78 d 縮短為5.72 d,‘A108’ 在0.05 mM 處理下由CK 的11.99 d 縮短為8.97 d。‘A105’ 無論是否滲調處理,種子在浸水後即快速吸水 (water absorption; WA) 直至12 h 達到飽和點,各種滲調處理與CK 之間在前72 h 未有顯著差異,且至72 h 後皆有第二波快速吸水量現象。‘A108’ 亦在約12 h 達到飽和點,然各滲調處理與CK 之間未有差異,且直至120 h 仍未出現顯著第二波快速吸水。‘A105’ 之CK 種子滲漏電導度值(electrical conductivity; EC) 在浸水後快速升高,經SA 處理後則明顯降低。‘A108’ 之CK 種子在浸水後的EC緩慢上升,至6 h 後就開始下降,經SA 處理後的EC 幾乎皆高於CK。‘A105’ 之CK種子可溶性蛋白質 (soluble protein; SP) 含量在浸水第1 日後即明顯增加,第3 日起又有第二波的上升,滲調處理之種子則可緩升直至第7 日。‘A108’ 之CK 種子SP 在浸潤後1 d 才開始增加,直至第7 日,經SA 處理後則可在第1 日內即快速增加,隨後緩升至第7 日。綜合試驗結果,SA 滲調處理對於參試茄子品種之種子發芽有正面促進效果,包括提高GP、縮短MGT、加快WA、酌予降低滲漏EC 及增加SP 等性狀,然而品種間表現存在差異。 Previous studies have shown that growth regulators or some osmotic chemicals (such as salicylate) can be used in the osmotic treatment of seeds to increase the percentage and uniformity of germination and shorten the time required for germination, and even induce resistance to antibiotics and biotic stresses. This experiment was to use different concentrations of salicylic acid (SA) to osmotically treat the seeds of rootstock eggplant varieties ‘A105’ and ‘A108’, at 15℃ for future application. The results showed that the seed germination percentage (GP) of the control check (CK) of variety ‘A105’ reached 98.67%, and the value did not increase significantly after being treated with solutions of different concentrations of SA. The GP of CK seeds was only 74.67% for variety ‘A108’. After osmosis treatment with different concentrations of SA, the GPs were greatly increased, but no significant difference was observed among different concentrations. The mean germination time (MGT) of the two varieties was significantly shortened after SA treatment, in which ‘A105’ was shortened from 8.78 d of CK to 5.72 d under the treatment of 0.01 mM concentration, and the MGT of ‘A108’ was shortened from 11.99 d of CK to 8.97 d under the treatment of 0.05 mM. showing difference between varieties. With or without the osmosis treatment, the seeds of the variety ‘A105’ quickly absorbed water after soaking until reaching the saturation point in 12 h. There is no significant difference between the osmosis treatments and CK in the first 72 h, and a second wave of rapid water absorption occurred after 72 h. Seeds of the variety ‘A108’ also reached the saturation point at 12 h; however, there was no difference between the osmotic adjustment treatments and CK. No second wave of rapid water absorption appeared until 120 h. The value of leakage electrical conductivity (EC) of CK seeds of ‘A105’ increased rapidly after soaking in water, but decreased significantly after SA treatment. For CK seeds of ‘A108’, EC value increased slowly after soaking in water, and then began to decrease after 6 h. The soluble protein of CK seeds in ‘A105’ increased significantly after water immersion for 1 d, and increased again at Day 3. In contrast, the protein content of SA-treated seeds slowly increased until the seventh day. Without SA treatment, the protein content in seeds of ‘A108’ began to increase on the 1st day after soaking, and did not increase until 7 d after immersion. In summary, osmosis treatment with SA solutions has a positive effect on the germination of the tested eggplant varieties, including increasing the GP, shortening the MGT, accelerating water absorption, reducing the value of leakage EC and increasing soluble protein of seeds. The varietal differences were found in these traits. |
URI: | | ISSN: | 2790-086X | DOI: | 10.6156/JTAR.202309_72(3).0005 |
Appears in Collections: | 1.台灣農業研究(1950~迄今) |
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