Title: | 番茄斑潛蠅 (Liriomyza bryoniae (Kalt)) 在不同作物之為害及對寄生蜂之影響 | Other Titles: | DIFFERENCES IN INJURY OF LIRIOMYZA BRYONIAE (KALT.) ON CROPS AND THE INFLUENCE OF HOST PLANTS TO THE PARASITOIDS | Authors: | 李錫山 Hsi-Shan Lee |
Keywords: | 番茄斑潛蠅;寄主植物偏好;寄生蜂;liriomyza bryoniae;host plant preference;parasitoids | Issue Date: | Dec-1990 | Publisher: | 中華昆蟲學會 | Journal Volume: | 10 | Journal Issue: | 4 | Start page/Pages: | 409-418 | Source: | 中華昆蟲 | Abstract: | 番茄斑潛蠅 (Liriomyza bryoniae) 對不同作物之危害,因栽培季節之不同,略有差異。1989 年秋作,以十字花科之花菜,球莖甘藍,包心芥菜和甘藍等被害最重,次為葫蘆科之洋香瓜及菊科之茼蒿等。1990 春作,則以十字花科之包心白菜,球莖甘藍,花椰菜和包心芥菜等被害為最重,次仍以葫蘆科之洋香瓜及菊科之茼蒿。至茄科之蕃茄和其他各科蔬菜比較,在秋作顯為較輕,但春作其被害便顯著增加。 The host plants used in this study were crops belonging to Cruciferae, Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae and Compositae. Evaluations of the injury caused by the L. bryoniae on different crops and the host plants associated with parasitoids of the leafminer were conducted in the autumn season of 1989 and spring season of 1990. |
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ISSN: | 0258-462X | DOI: | 10.6660/TESFE.1990035 |
Appears in Collections: | (3)植物保護及園產品加工系 |
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