Title: | 廢棄菇類木屑堆肥利用於育苗介質之研究 | Authors: | 張明暉 向為民 簡宣裕 黃維廷 |
Keywords: | 廢棄菇類木屑堆肥;育苗介質;洋香瓜;mushroom waste (sawdust) compost;seed-sowing media;muskmelon | Issue Date: | Dec-2000 | Publisher: | 農業試驗所 | Start page/Pages: | 113-119 | Source: | 土壤肥料試驗彙報 | Abstract: | 本研究之目的乃在於評估利用木耳、鮑魚菇栽培廢棄物堆肥及金針菇培廢棄物堆肥為洋香瓜育苗介質之可行與否。此外以金針菇栽培廢棄物堆肥及粉碎稻穀為材料,以碳殼為材料,以碳酸鈣及硫酸亞鐵之添加改善其於育苗上的缺失,調配洋香瓜育苗介質,並同進口培養土於春、秋作進行育苗,比較瓜苗生長之差異。除此,並調查秋作瓜苗定植後植株之生育情形。 Experimentally assessed was the feasibility to reutilize spent mushroom composts (Jew's ear, oyster and winter mushroom) as muskmelon seed-sowing media. Also, in comparison with imported media, plug systems were applied to observe the effects of various media prepared with compost and milled rice hulls on the nursery growth of muskmelno (Cucumis melo L. var. reticulatus Naud) in spring and autumn. |
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Appears in Collections: | (3)農業化學組 |
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