Title: | 百合種球生產用微生物製劑之開發研究(二) | Other Titles: | Development of Microbial Inoculants for the Lily Bulb Production(II) | Authors: | 吳繼光 林素禎 林妙玲 劉文徹 吳國典 陳文輝 |
Issue Date: | Mar-2000 | Publisher: | 行政院國家科學委員會 | Start page/Pages: | IV-64-IV-84 | Source: | 產業科技發展學術合作論文集 | Conference: | 產業科技發展學術合作論文集 | Abstract: | 本報告為第二年試驗成果,就整體而言,無論是在種球的周徑大小及病害防治方面,均較第一年為佳。栽培介質對於百合幼苗存活率、周徑、總鮮重、單球重等方面均有顯著之影響。添加濾泥介質有助於降低鱗片球的死亡率、提高鱗片球的總鮮重及單球重等。濾泥介質與萬興農場的砂壤以1:1混合後對於鱗片球的周徑有顯著的增大效果。但是若以1:4的混合比例則有提高Rhizoctonia感染機會之虞慮。單鱗片養小球莖的方式較傳統的集體養球法可提高鱗片球的養球成功率且節省人工。在單鱗片養球期間接種菌根菌(Glomus intraradices)有助於提高其田間菌根感染率。但在養球期間,若添加肥料則對於田間幼苗的菌根菌的感染率有負面的影響。鱗片經單一包裝且經低溫打破休眠後,接種G. intraradices組可於移植田間兩週後,迅速抽高,最高平均可達5.5公分。在鱗片使用殺菌劑不添加肥料的處理下,接種菌根菌的確對於鱗片球的增大有益。球徑可達14公分,平均周徑8.8公分/球。菌根菌(Entrophospora kentinensis)似乎對於化學肥料的添加較菌根菌(G. intraradices)不敏感。Glomus intraradices在與化學肥料一起添加的處理下,球徑最小。經由濾泥介質的稀釋試驗,發現濾泥介質的多寡與接種菌根菌的效果關係密切。濾泥介質含量越高,接菌效果越不顯著。叢枝菌根菌在根內的感染部位出現Rhizoctonia的機率較未感染部位低,顯示菌根菌接種對於土壤中的Rhizoctonia病原菌可能有抑制作用。 This is a final report for the second year project of "Development of microbial inoculants for the lily bulb production". In a general view on the perimeter of harvested bulbs and disease control, this year was better than previous. Growth medium had significant influence on the survival rate of seedlings, bulb perimeter, single bulb and total fresh weight. Amendment of sugar-cane sewage compost in soil was attributed to lowering seedling mortality and to enhancing bulb growth. Sugarcane sewage compost and the soil in Wan-Hsing Farm mixed by 1:1 ratio was helpful in increasing the bulb size; however, if mixed by 1:4, it would augment the colonization of Rhizoctonia sp. in lily roots. Bulb scale could be embedded individually in a plastic bag with vermiculite and pearlite to enforce bulblet production. Single scale packing method was better than traditional group packing in laborsaving and high yield of bulblet production. Glomus intraradices inoculated at this treatment could ensure higher VA colonization of lily in the field. Nevertheless, in the same enforcing treatment, fertilizer amendment could diminish root colonization, especially after bulblets were transplanted to the field. Bulblets infected by G. intraradices could stem out fast two weeks after planting and to 5.5cm height in average. The harvested bulbs after biocide and none-fertilizer treatment were large up to 14 cm in perimeter, and 8.8 cm/bulb in average. Entrophospora kentinensis was more tolerate to the fertilizer amendment than G. intraradices. Through a dilution test to evaluate the effect of sugarcane-sewage compost on the bulb growth, the ratio of compost was closely related to the VA inoculation effect. The more compost was the less inoculation effect. If compared VA colonized zones with non-VA colonized zones, the incidence of Rhizoctonia in the former location was much lower than the latter. This implied that VA mycorrhizal fungi exerted its potentiality in the biocontrol of soil-borne pathogen, such as Rhizoctonia. |
Description: | 會議地點:台灣糖業股份有限公司 會議日期:2000/03/16 - 2000/03/16 主協辦單位:行政院國家科學委員會; 經濟部台灣糖業公司; 國立台灣大學農學院 |
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Appears in Collections: | (3)農業化學組 |
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