Title: | 賜諾殺濃餌劑防治瓜實蠅 (雙翅目:果實蠅科) 之效果評估 | Other Titles: | Effectiveness of Spinosad Bait in the Control of the Melon Fly, Bactrocera Cucurbitae Coquillett (Diptera: Tephritidae) | Authors: | 何坤耀 洪士程 陳健忠 |
Keywords: | 賜諾殺餌劑;苦瓜;絲瓜;誘引劑;果實蠅;spinosad bait;bitter gourd;sponge gourd;attractant;bactrocera cucurbitae | Issue Date: | Jul-2007 | Publisher: | 國立嘉義大學農學院 | Journal Volume: | 4 | Journal Issue: | 2 | Start page/Pages: | 55-66 | Source: | 嘉大農林學報 | Abstract: | 瓜實蠅(Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett)(雙翅目:果實蠅科)素為瓜類之重要害蟲,可為害幼瓜及成熟果實。2006年在嘉義鹿草苦瓜園以0.02%賜諾殺濃餌劑稀釋8倍,每公尺約點噴5ml處理,試區平均誘到之瓜實蠅雌蟲及雄蟲皆顯著比試區外圍者為少。處理區不套袋苦瓜之平均被害率及被害度分別為19.2%及4.0%,與不施用對照區有顯著差異。在彰化溪州網室內處理前誘到之雌、雄蟲數為9.3及7.3隻,以賜諾殺濃餌劑處理之結果,平均誘到之雌蟲及雄蟲數則分別為0.1及0隻。網室內賜諾殺處理區之不套袋苦瓜平均被害率與被害度,分別僅為0.9及0.1%。另在雲林斗南瓜實蠅發生較多之絲瓜專業區,賜諾殺處理組之絲瓜平均被害度僅為34.7%,而對瓜實蠅之防治率平均幾乎達到50%。綜合上述結果,賜諾殺餌劑對瓜實蠅確具有明顯誘殺效果及應用之潛力。 The melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitate Coquillett, is the major insect pest of cucumber crops and it is able to damage both young and ripen fruits. Results from a bitter gourd orchard at Lutsao, Chiayi in 2006 showed the average captured female and male melon files from the 0.02% Spinosad-treated plot (8x), were significantly lower than the numbers captured from surrounding area. The average percentage of fruit damage and percentage infestation of non-paper-bagging bitter gourd were only 19.2% and 4%, respectively, in the treated area that were significantly different from the percentage of no bait check. The average number of captured melon files from the Spinosad treated plot in a screenhouse at Hsichou, Changhwa were 0.1 females and 0 male while in the pretest they were 9.3 females and 7.3 males. The average percentage of fruit damage and percent infestation for non-paper-bagging fruits were 0.9% and 0.1%, respectively, in the screenhouse. In addition, the averaged percent infestation was only 34.7% from the Spinosed-treated plot in a special sponge gourd producting area with high melon fly population at Tounan, Yunlin and the averaged control rate was up to 50% for the melon fly. In conclusion, the Spinosad bait exhibit a significant control to the melon fly and is of great potential in its application. |
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ISSN: | 1029-0206 |
Appears in Collections: | (3)植物保護系 |
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