Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1989 | 1987年飛蝨類由海外遷入臺灣地區之概況 | 劉清和; 鄭清煥 ; 陳慶忠; 王雪香; 朱耀沂; Ching-Ho Liu; Ching-Huan Cheng ; Ching-Chung Chen; Shung-Shiang Wang; Yau-I Chu | 中華昆蟲 | | 0 | |
2022 | Climate Variability Shifting Immigrated Rice Planthoppers in Taiwan | Huang, Shou-Horng ; Po-Yu Lai ; Shaw-Yhi Hwang; Krishna Borhara; Wan-Ru Huang; Shih-Yu Wang | Climate | | 0 | |
2019 | Composition and diversity of ground-dwelling arthropods at Chiayi Agricultural long-term ecological research site in the Southern Taiwan | Sheng-Shan Lu; Huang, Shou-Horng ; Laleh Bordbar; I-Hsin Sung | Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity | | 0 | |
1963 | Control of Paddy Borer Sthoenobius incertulas Walker on the Second Rice Crop in Taiwan from 1958-1961 | Chia-hwa Tao; Chin-chyuan Tang; Jian-min Yu; 陶家驊; 湯慶銓; 余健敏 | 植物保護學會會刊 | | | |
2011 | Control of Peronophythora fruit downy blight of lychee by neutralized phosphorous acid | Pao-Jen Ann; Jyh-Nong Tsai ; Hong-Ren Yang; 安寶貞; 蔡志濃 ; 楊宏仁 | 植物病理學會刊 | | 0 | |
1992 | Decline of Longan Trees: Association with Brown Root Rot Caused by Phellinus noxius | Pao-Jen Ann; Wen-Hsiung Ko; 安寶貞; 柯文雄 | 植物病理學會刊 | | | |
2003 | Differentiation of the Xiphinema americanum group nematodes-X. brevicollum, X. incognitum, X. diffusum and X. oxycaudatum in Taiwan by morphometrics and ribosomal DNA sequences. | Chen, Diann-Yih; Hui-Fang Ni ; Tsay Tung-Tsuan | 植物病理學會刊 | | | |
1993 | Effect of Apple Root Sucker, on Density and Dispersal of Spider and Predatory Mites | K.Y. Ho; 何坤耀 | 植物保護學會會刊 | | | |
1994 | Effects of Orchard Cover Crop on Arthropod Population Density | Kun-Yaw Ho; 何坤耀 | 中華昆蟲 | | 0 | |
1963 | Field Tests of Pesticides Against Paddy Borer and Sheath Blight On the Second Rice Crop in Taiwan from 1959-4960 | Chia-hwa Tao; Chin-chyuan Tang; Jian-min Yu; 陶家驊; 湯慶銓; 余健敏 | 植物保護學會會刊 | | | |
2009 | GIS與GPS於嘉義地區入侵紅火蟻監測調查上的應用 | 黃莉欣; 尹建盛; 陳昇寬; 林明瑩; 黃守宏 ; 蘇文瀛 | 「地理資訊在植物防疫之應用」特刊 | | | |
1993 | High temperature Phytophthora: an asexual variant of Phytophthora insolita | Ann, Pao-Jen; Ko, Wen-Hsiung | 植物病理學會刊 | | | |
1988 | Mechanical Transmission of Rice Transitory Yellowing Virus to a Non-gramineous Host Plant | Ren-Jong Chiul; Mei-Lie Chung; Ching-Chung Chen; Moh-Jih Chen; S. P. Y. Hsieh; Yau-Heiu Hsu; 邱人璋; 鐘美麗; 陳慶忠; 陳脉紀; 謝式坢鈺; 徐堯煇 | 植物保護學會會刊 | | | |
2007 | Nucleotide sequence analysis and detection application of the coat protein gene of Sweet potato latent virus isolated from central Taiwan | Li-Yuan Wang; Kuan-Chun Chen; Tsung-Chi Chen; Shyi-Dong Yeh; 王麗媛; 陳冠君; 陳宗祺; 葉錫東 | 植物病理學會刊 | | 0 | |
1980 | Oospore germination of Peronophythora litchii | Pao Jen Ann; Ko, W. H. | Mycologia | | 0 | |
1997 | Overseas immigration and population trend of migratory insect pests of rice in Taiwan | Cheng, C. H. | Migration and Management of Insect Pest of Rice in Monsoon Asia | | | |
1997 | Phytophthora Disease of Compositae in Taiwan | Pao-Jen Ann; 安寶貞 | 海峽兩岸植物病理學會學術交流研討會專刊 | | | |
1996 | Phytophthora Diseases of Compositae in Taiwan | Pao-Jen Ann; 安寶貞 | 植物病理學會刊 | | 0 | |
1980 | Phytophthora Insolita, A New Species From Taiwan | P. J. Ann; W. H. Ko | Mycologia | | 0 | |