Title: | 生物炭施用對蘿蔓萵苣生長、土壤理化性質及土壤微生物之影響 | Other Titles: | The Influence of Biochar Amendment on the Growth of Romaine Lettuce, the Soil Physical-Chemical Properties and Microbial Flora | Authors: | 林素禎 彭聖宸 林姿君 張耀聰 Su-Chen Lin Shen-Chyu Peng Zi-Jun Lin Yao-Tsung Chang |
Keywords: | 生物炭;蘿蔓萵苣;土壤理化性質;生物多樣性;Biochar;Lactuca sativa;Romaine lettuce;Soil physical-chemical Properties;Biodiversity | Issue Date: | Dec-2019 | Publisher: | 農業試驗所 | Related Publication(s): | 農業試驗所特刊第226號 | Start page/Pages: | 194-209 | Source: | 溶磷菌肥料肥(功)效評估及驗證研討會專刊 | Conference: | 溶磷菌肥料肥(功)效評估及驗證研討會 Proceedings of the Symposium on Fertility and Function Assessment and its Verification for Phosphate-solubilizing Bacteria |
Abstract: | 生物炭已被廣泛運用作為土壤添加劑,但生物炭仍有負面影響之報導,本文探討生物炭施用後對蘿蔓萵苣生長、土壤理化性質與土壤微生物群落組成及多樣性之影響。本試驗於2018 年3 月進行。試驗地點在高雄區農業改良場,試驗作物為蘿蔓萵苣,生物炭種類為木炭、稻殼燻炭及稻殼灰炭,生物炭施用量每公頃20噸。田間試驗主要由高雄區農業改良場規劃管理,農試所負責在蘿蔓萵苣種植前與採收後檢測土壤之理化性質與分析土壤之微生物群落組成及多樣性。試驗結果顯示:(1) 施用木炭可增加蘿蔓萵苣產量24%,而施用稻穀燻炭與稻穀炭灰會降低蘿蔓萵苣產量,分別降低產量29%與60%。(2) 施用木炭及稻殼灰炭可提高土壤pH 值。(3) 施用木炭、稻殼燻碳及稻殼灰炭皆可提高土壤有效性鉀含量。(4) 施用木炭可顯著降低有效性鐵與銅含量。(5) 施用木炭、稻殼燻碳及稻殼灰炭可降低土壤DNA 含量。(6) 施用木炭可顯著提高底土微生物碳源的利用率。(7) 施用木炭、稻殼燻炭及稻殼灰炭可降低土壤總細菌數、游離性固氮菌數及溶磷菌數。(8) 施用稻殼燻炭與稻殼灰炭可提高子囊菌的數量。 Biochar has been used nationwide as soil amendment; even though there is still some negative effect to the crop growth reported. In this paper, the influence of biochar amendment to the growth of romaine lettuce was explored in terms of soil physical-chemical properties and composition of microbial flora as well as biodiversity. The experiment was conducted in March 2018. Experiment site was located in Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (KDARES). The test plant was romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. longifolia). The biochar included charcoal, carbonized rice husk and rice husk ash. Field trial plots were designed and managed by KDARES. Biochar was incorporated 20 tons per hectare. Soil samples were collected before planting and after harvest separately for the related analyses. The test results indicated that (i) charcoal amendment could increase crop yield 24%; carbonized rice husk and rice husk ash decrease crop yield 29% and 60% respectively, (ii) charcoal and rice husk ash could enhance soil pH, (iii) all of tested biochar could increase soil available potassium, (iv) charcoal amendment could significantly lower the quantity of available irons and coppers, (v) all of tested biochar could lower the DNA quantity in soil, (vi) charcoal amendment could enhance significantly microbial carbon utilization rate in subsoil, (vii) all of biochar amendment could lower total bacterial, free-living nitrogen fixing bacterial and phosphate-solubilizing bacterial counts, (viii) amendment of carbonized rice husk and rice husk ash could promote the quantity of ascomycetes. |
URI: | | ISBN: | 978-986-5440-51-0 |
Appears in Collections: | (3)農業化學組 |
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