Title: | 春蕉冬蕉留果手數與留葉片數對產量及品質之影響 | Other Titles: | The Effect of the Number of Leaves and Hands on the Yield and Quality of Spring-and Winter-bananas | Authors: | 王兆全 戴邦本 陳慶三 Chao-Chuan Wang Pang-Pen Dai Ching-San Chen |
Keywords: | 春蕉;春蕉;果手;產量;品質;Spring- banana;Winter-banana;Fruit hand;Fruit hand;Yield;Quality | Issue Date: | Mar-1971 | Publisher: | 臺灣園藝學會 | Journal Volume: | 17 | Journal Issue: | 2 | Start page/Pages: | 104-108 | Source: | 中國園藝 | Abstract: | Quality香蕉保留相同果手數時,葉片愈多似可愈早收穫,留果手數愈多時,可能延遲收穫。對果實發育情形影響較少,但果手數愈多,果指寬、果皮厚、果柄寬等則減少,維他命C含量也有影響,葉片多或果手少時含量較少。果手愈多或葉片愈多産量愈多。 This experiment was carried out from April, 1968 to June, 1969. The study included winter-bananas produced in the Li kong locality of Pingtung country, and spring-bananas produced in the Mel Nung locality of Kaohsiung country. Spring-bananas were thinning the fruit hands and leaven to keep both of them in 6, 8, 10, three kinds of treatments, winter-bananas were thinning the fruit hands and leaves to keep koth of them in 4, 6, 8, treatments seperatly. Each taeatment was in sex repetitions. The aim was to study the effect on yield and quality of thinning the banana fruit and lesves. The result was briefly as follows: 1. There was a significant increase in yield of fruit, but this higher production resulted in a lower nutritional value. 2. Thinning the fruit hands had a greater effect on regulating the season than did thinning the leaves. 3. The effect on fruit development was greater if 4 or more fruit hands or leaves were thinned out, however there was almost no effect on fruit development if only 2 fruit hands or leaves were thinned out. 4. The fruit from plants with many leaves had a higher composition of sugar, acid, ash and vitamine C than did fruit from plants with few leaves. 5. A part of spring-bananas with 10 fruit hands were unfit for export because of poor quality, winter-bananas with 4 fruit hands were too large and too heavy for export. Therefore it is the best to leave 7-8 fruit hands of spring-bananas and 6-7 fruit hands of winter-bananas. Sometimes under ideal conditions it may be possible to increase one fruit hand. For both spring-bananas and winter-bananas many leaves are better than few leaves. |
URI: | | ISSN: | 0529-6544 | DOI: | 10.6964/JCSHS.197103.0104 |
Appears in Collections: | (1)熱帶果樹系 |
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