Title: | 由Phytophthora nagaii及Phytophthora bisheria引起之玫瑰疫病 | Other Titles: | First report of rose blight caused by Phytophthora nagaii and Phytophthora bisheria in Taiwan | Authors: | 袁琴雅 黃晉興 丁柏瑜 安寶貞 Yuan C. Y. Jin-Hsing Huang P.Y. Ting P. J. Ann |
Keywords: | 玫瑰;疫病菌;鑑定;Phytophthora bisheria;Phytophthora nagaii;rose;Phytophthora;identification;Phytophthora bisheria;Phytophthora nagaii | Issue Date: | Dec-2020 | Publisher: | 中華植物保護學會;中華民國植物病理學會;台灣昆蟲學會 | Journal Volume: | 62 | Journal Issue: | 4 | Start page/Pages: | 13-22 | Source: | 植物醫學 | Abstract: | 2015年9月在台灣南投埔里的玫瑰花發生一種新病害,罹病葉片呈現黃化及萎凋,受感染的植株根腐及莖基部褐化,且褐化現象從莖基部向上擴展,最後導致植株死亡。In September 2015, a severe root rot disease of rose was observed in Puli Township, Nantou County, Taiwan. Disease symptoms included yellowing and wilting of leaves and finally plant death. All the infected plants showed root necrosis, sometimes extending to the basal stem. |
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ISSN: | 0577-750X | DOI: | 10.6716/JPM.202012_62(4).0002 |
Appears in Collections: | (4)植物病理組 |
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