Title: | 甘藷同功異構酶之分析與利用 | Other Titles: | The Analysis of Isozyme Patterns in Sweet Potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] | Authors: | 羅筱鳳 陳榮芳 Hsiao-Feng Lo Long-Fang O. Chen |
Keywords: | 甘藷;同功異構酶;品種鑑定;農藝性狀;酵素活性;sweet potato (ipomoea batatas);isozyme;agronomic trait;cultivar identification;enzyme activity | Issue Date: | Jun-1994 | Publisher: | 臺灣省農業試驗所嘉義農業試驗分所 | Related Publication(s): | 農業試驗所特刊第45號 | Start page/Pages: | 135-145 | Source: | 根莖作物生產改進及加工利用研討會專刊 | Conference: | 根莖作物生產改進及加工利用研討會 Proceeding of A Symposium on Root Crop Yield Improvement, Processing and Utilization in Taiwan |
Abstract: | 有關同功異構酶的分析與利用目前在各主要作物已有不少之報告,然甘藷在這方面的研究仍極為有限。此與甘藷本身遺傳背景之複雜性及組織成份物質對酵素活性分析之干擾有或多或少之關係。近年來雖有一些新型分子標誌因子分析法,如核酸限制內切酶多形性分析及利用聚合醃連鎖反應所導來之逢機擴增多形性DNA等,然同功異構酶分析法仍不失為較簡單、易學、經濟且快速之分析法,其分析所需之組織量少,且幾乎各類型之組織均可利用來作分析,在應用上仍有其優點。本報告即針對目前有關甘藷同功異構酶已見報之資訊,及本研究小組近年來在甘藷同功異構酶分析與利用上之探討作一綜合性之報告。所討論之酵素主要以具多形性酶譜之酵素如酒精去氫酶、β一澱粉酶、磷酸化酶、過氧化酶、黃遞酶、酯酶、磷酸葡糖變位酶、蘋果酸去氫酶、蘋果酸酵素、磷酸葡糖異構酶、6-磷酸葡糖去氫酶、穀草酸轉氨酶、莽草酸去氫酶、甲基萘酶、還原酶及胰蛋白抑制酶等。 Studies on the analysis and utilization of isozyme patterns in sweet potato [Iponioca baiatas (L.)Lam.] are very limited in comparison with those of the major crop species. This might be due to the relative complexity of the sweet potato genomes and the existence of certain chemical components in tissue extracts tending to interfere the enzyme staining activity. In spite of the recent development of DNA molecular markers derived from restriction fragment length polymorphisms and random amplified polymorphic DNA derived from arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction, the isozyme approach is still the easiest and most economic and rapid method available. In addition, it also has the advantage of the small amount of tissue needed for the assay and no restriction to tissue type. In this communication, the current progress in isozyme analysis and utilization of sweet potato are reviewed. Emphases are laid on those polymorphic enzymes such as alcohol dehydrogenase, β-amylase, diaphorase, esterase, glutamatic oxaloacetate transaminase, malate dehydrogenase, malic enzyme, menadione reductase, peroxidase, phosphoglucomutase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, phosphoglucose isomerase, phosphorylase, shikimate dehydrogenase, and trypsin inhibitor. |
URI: | | ISBN: | 957-00-4106-4 |
Appears in Collections: | (1)農藝系 |
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