Title: | 柑桔伸縮膜包裝貯藏之研究(一) | Other Titles: | The Long-term Storage of Citrus Fruits with Stretching-film Packaging | Authors: | 林學正 黃肇家 鍾玉燕 Shue-Cheng Lin Chao-Chia Huang Yu-Yiang Tsong |
Issue Date: | Jun-1983 | Publisher: | 臺灣園藝學會 | Journal Volume: | 29 | Journal Issue: | 2 | Start page/Pages: | 120 - 131 | Source: | 中國園藝 | Abstract: | 椪柑及柳橙果實各於民國70年11月30日及12月19日採自水里地區,分以伸縮膜包裝、逐果扭結包裝及未包裝三種處理,置於青果社推廣之保溫通風貯藏庫內,各貯藏三個月及五個半月。柳橙之含糖量及含酸量採收時爲13.28°Brix及0.85mg/100g,較椪柑12.05°Brix及0.57mg/100g爲高,此被認爲是前者較後者耐貯藏之主因。貯藏中之含糖量變化不大,但含酸量之損失甚高,柳橙貯藏後含酸量降至0.42mg/100g爲原來之50%;椪柑含酸量降至0.338mg/100g爲原來的60%。逐果扭結包裝對果實含酸量之維持似稍具效果。果實貯藏後之可售率及綠蒂率以逐果扭結包裝爲最高,伸縮膜包裝次之。柳橙經五個半月貯藏,逐果扭結包裝可售率高達94.87%,伸縮膜包裝及未包裝者各爲61.91%及28.13%;椪柑經三個月貯藏,逐果扭結包裝可售率爲89.09%,伸縮膜包裝及未包裝爲42.71%及14.81%。伸縮膜包裝可防止果實失水,減少逐果包裝之工時,但其腐爛及褐蒂率較高,因而增加貯藏之變動成本,如未能有效控制腐損,此種省工包裝方式似尚未能實用。 ”Golden-seal” (Citrus sinensis) and ”Ponkan” (Citrus reticulate) oranges were harvested respectively on Dec. 19.1981. and Nov. 30, 1981 from Sue-li. Nantou. Fruits were treated with packaging of twisted polyethylene (PE) bag packaging, ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) stretching-film packaging, and unpackaging, then stored in a polystyrene-insulated and ventilated storage room which was suggested by Taiwan Fruit Marketing Co-op. Fresh-picked ”Golden-seal” oranges possesed a higher total soluble solids (TSS) and acid content of 13.28° Brix and 0.57 mg/100 g as citric acid compared with 12.05° Brix and 0.57 mg/100 g in ”Ponkan” oranges. During storage TSS changed slightly but acid content decreased drastically in both kinds of fruits. ”Golden-seal” orange lost its initial aid about 50% or 0.43 mg/100 g after five and half months storage, whereas ”Ponkan” orange lost about 40% or 0.23 mg/100 g after three months storage. Fruits with twisted PR bag packaging showed a slightly effect on retaining acid content, but none in the others. Fruits with twisted PR bag packaging also had a low percentage of decay and high percentage of green calyx button during storage. Ratios of decay of ”Golden-seal” orange after 51/2 months storage were 5.13%, 30.09%, and 71.89% respectively in twisted PE bag packaging, EVA stretching-film packaging and unpackaging, while decay ratios of ”Ponkan” were 11.0%, 57.29%, and 85.19% respectively after 3 months storage. EVA stretching-film packaging showed much labor saving in operation, however, it is not recommended in long-term storage unless the high percentage of decay is controlled, The use of TBZ or 2-min-obutane fumigation to control fruit decay is suggested. |
URI: | |
ISSN: | 0529-6544 | DOI: | 10.6964/JCSHS.198306.0120 |
Appears in Collections: | (1)作物組 |
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