Title: | 甘藷品種間光合產物的生產及分配之研究 | Other Titles: | DRY MATTER PRODUCTION AND PARTITION OF SIX SWEET POTATO (IPOMOEA BATATAS (L.) LAM.) CULTIVARS | Authors: | 李良 高景輝 Liang Li Ching-Huei Kao |
Keywords: | 分配;甘藷;生產;光合產物;品種 | Issue Date: | Sep-1985 | Publisher: | 中華農學會 | Journal Issue: | 新131 | Start page/Pages: | 10-23 | Source: | 中華農學會報 | Abstract: | 本研究利用6個不同植物性狀甘藷品種(系),作生長分析,以探討秋作甘藷各生育期中,植株各部位乾物質生產及分配之差異情形,以及與葉面積指數及淨光合速率等之關係。並利用路徑系數分析研究收穫指數及總乾物生產量對塊根乾物重影響之相對重要性。 Six sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) cultivars using growth analysis, differing in leaf morphology and agronomic traits were used to investigate the differences of the distribution of total dry matter in the various plant components and the relationship between dry matter partition and physiological parameters in fall planting at different growing periods. Path-coefficient analysis were used to establish the relative importance of total dry matter and harvest index in determining of root dry weight at different growth stages. |
URI: | |
ISSN: | 0578-1434 |
Appears in Collections: | (1)農藝系 |
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