Title: | 不同耕作農法影響土壤微生物菌相之初探 | Other Titles: | Investigation the soil microbial diversity of different farming systems in Taiwan | Authors: | 郭聆亦 張明暉 鄭智元 簡仲生 Ling-Yi Guo Ming-Hui Chang Chih-Yuan Cheng Chung-Sheng Chien |
Keywords: | 耕作制度;土壤微生物;生物多樣性;次世代定序;farming system;soil microorganism;biodiversity;next generation sequencing | Issue Date: | Aug-2022 | Publisher: | 苗栗區農業改良場 | Start page/Pages: | 41-49 | Source: | 2022 農業生態系長期生態研究研討會專刊 | Conference: | 2022 農業生態系長期生態研究研討會 | Abstract: | 土壤微生物於動物與植物生長扮演著至關重要的角色,其不僅參與養分循環,更與動植物的健康與否有重要的關聯。不同的耕作制度因為對土壤管理有所差異,將會造成土壤徵生物群落的改變進而影響土壤生態系與養分的循環利用。近年來,隨著定序技術的進步,相較於傳統定序,導入具有快速、高通量等特性能夠更快、更全面地分析土壤微生物菌相之次世代定序 (Next Generation sequencing, NGS),加上原有的土壤物理、化學性質分析,可利用已知資訊搭配多樣性指標數值剖析耕作制度對於土壤微生物菌相之影響,藉此提供可達環境友善與良好耕作方式之參考。 Soil microorganism plays a vital role in the growth of animals and plants. They not only participate in the nutrient cycle but also have an important relationship with the health of animals and plants. Different farming systems have differences in soil management, which will change the soil microbial community and affect the soil ecosystem and nutrient recycling. In recent years, with the advancement of sequencing technology, compared with traditional sequencing, next-generation sequencing has the characteristics of rapidness and high throughput, which enables faster and more comprehensive analysis of soil microbiome. |
URI: | | ISBN: | 9786267100950 |
Appears in Collections: | (3)農業化學組 |
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