Title: | 臺灣內生菌目及繡球菌目之分類學研究 | Other Titles: | Taxonomy of Endogonales and Glomales in Taiwan | Authors: | 吳繼光 林素禎 |
Issue Date: | Jan-1997 | Publisher: | 中華民國真菌學會 | Start page/Pages: | 17-30 | Source: | 第三屆海峽兩岸真菌學研討會論文集 | Conference: | 第三屆海唊兩岸真菌學研討會 The Third Symposium on Mycology Between the Two Sides of the Taiwan Straits |
Abstract: | 本文介紹內生菌目及繡球菌目的最新分類學的發展。叢枝內生菌根菌截至目前為主共有八個屬(Acaulospora, Entrophosproa, Jimtrappea, Gigaspora, Scutellospora, Glomites, Glomus, Sclerocystis),分屬於三個科(Glomaceae, Gigasporaceae, Acaulosporaceae)。其中Glomites是最近發表的新屬,主要是描述一種距今四億年前,已絕種的化石植物內的叢枝內生菌根菌;另 Jimtrappea屬是我國發現的第七個非化石叢枝內生菌根菌。它的產孢過程與孢子發芽方式與其它現存的六個屬不同。有關這七個屬的生態分布與分類的檢索表均在本文中討論與描述。另有關內生菌目,本文首次報導在臺灣發現的新屬Peridiospora。在此之前,臺灣並無本目菌根菌的記錄。 In this article, we describe recent advance of taxonomy in Glomaes and Endogonales. Up to date, Glomales accommodate eight genera, i.e., Acaulospora, Entrophospora, Jimtrappea, Gigaspora, Scutellospora, Glomites, Glomus, and Sclerocystis. Glomites is a newly proposed genus for an extinct species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus associated with a fossil plant, four hundred million years ago. Jimtrappea was originally isolated from Taiwan and the seventh genus in Glomales. The genus is Characterized by its unique sporogenesis and spore germination types. Concerning ecological distribution and keys for genera in Glomales were also discussed and provided. In the study of Endogonales, we will report a new genus, Peridiospora. This is the first record of Endogonales in Taiwan. Peridiospora produce unizygosporic sporocarps, which are enclosed by a hyphal mantle. |
Description: | 會議地點:台中市中興大學 會議日期:1997/01/21 - 1997/01/22 主協辦單位:中華民國真菌學會 |
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Appears in Collections: | (3)農業化學組 |
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