Title: | 水稻單葉光譜特徵與葉綠素濃度之關係 | Other Titles: | Changes of Spectral Characteristics to Chlorophyll Concentration in Rice Leaves | Authors: | 李裕娟 楊純明 Yuh-Jyuan Lee Chwen-Ming Yang |
Keywords: | 水稻;光譜特徵;吸收比值;反射比值;葉綠素濃度;Rice (Oryza sativa L.);Spectral characteristics;Absorptance;Reflectance;ChlorophyII concentration | Issue Date: | 1-Dec-2002 | Publisher: | 中華民國航空測量及遙感探測學會 | Journal Volume: | 7 | Journal Issue: | 4 | Start page/Pages: | 41-52 | Source: | 航測及遙測學 | Abstract: | 本文研究係在行政院農業委員會農業試驗所農場(臺中縣霧峰鄉)進行,以四個水稻(Oryza sativa L.)品種為試驗材料,測定1998年一、二期稻作全生育期間之稻株單葉高解析光譜(350-1100 nm,頻寬2 nm),以探討與葉片葉綠素有關之光譜特徵,並以建立單葉光譜特徵與葉綠素濃度之量化關係。在稻株單葉之光譜性質中,穿透比值(transmittance)及反射比值(reflectance)乃直接量測,而吸收比值(absorptance)則由此估算。試驗結果發現,四個參試水稻品種之單葉光譜紅光波段及藍光波段計有四條與葉綠素高相關之特徵波長,這些特徵波長之吸收比值與葉片葉綠素總量(total chlorophyll)呈曲線正相關,反射比值則呈曲線負相關,且在兩期稻作皆然;其中以紅光波段664、652及644 nm之決定係數(R^2)高於藍光波段之434 nm。依照光譜特徵與葉綠素回歸程式所估算之葉綠素值與實際測定值之相關係數達極顯著水準(1%)。參試四個水稻品種之單葉光譜特徵與葉綠素濃度之相關真有品種間差異,臺中在來一號(TN1)和臺農67號(TNG67)之相關性高於臺模8號(TK8)和臺中秈的號(TCS10)。單葉光譜性質與葉綠素a及葉綠素b之關係一如葉綠素總量,吸收比與葉綠素a及葉綠素b呈現曲線正相關,而反射比則與葉綠素a及葉綠素b呈現曲線負相關。無論吸收比或反射比,其與葉綠素a及葉綠素b之曲線關係均以644 nm之決定係數最高,以434 nm之決定係數最低。綜合上述結果,稻株單葉光譜性質具有被利用於估測葉綠素濃度之可行性,不受期作別影響,未來可據以利用於快速檢測與估測水稻葉片及植體葉綠素濃度或含量。 Field experiments were conducted at the experimental farm of Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Wufeng, to identify spectral characteristics in associated with chlorophyII concentration in rice leaves and to establish their quantitative relationships. There were 4 rice cultivars grown in the 1st and the 2nd crops of 1998. In leaf optical property, transmittance (t) and reflectance (r) were measured by an external integrating sphere in connected to a spectroradiometer, and absorptance (a) was calculated by a=1-t-r. It was found that 3 wavelengths (664, 652 and 644 nm) in the red light region and 1 wavelength (434 nm) in the blue light region were associated with total chlorophyII in rice leaves. The absorptance was positively correlated, while the reflectance was negatively correlated, to the change of total chlorophyll in both cropping seasons. The determining coefficients (R^2) for wavelengths in the red region were greater than that in the blue region, yet the values were cultivar dependent. The relationships between absorptance and reflectance and chlorophyII a and chlorophyll b were also correlated curvilinearly. It was a positive relationship for absorptance and a negative for reflectance. The coefficient of determination for 644 nm was higher than that for 434 nm. Results suggest that optical property of rice leaf may be used to estimate chlorophyll concentration in either cropping season. |
URI: | |
ISSN: | 1021-8661 | DOI: | 10.6574/JPRS.2002.7(4).3 |
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