Title: | 日射量對水稻抽穗期、營養要素濃度、乾物質生產與產量的影響 | Authors: | 蔡金川 沈美珍 陳建山 劉大江 J.C. Tsai M.C. Shen C.S. Chen D.J. Liu |
Keywords: | 稻作;區域性 | Issue Date: | Dec-1984 | Publisher: | 臺灣省農業試驗所 | Related Publication(s): | 農業試驗所特刊第16號 | Start page/Pages: | 83-98 | Source: | 稻作區域性與期作性低產及增產措施之研究 | Abstract: | 對多個水稻品種在不同生育期間分別進行為期10天的80%遮光處理,調查對抽穗期、產量與產量構成要素的影響並分析處理後植株各部位乾物質及重要營養要素濃度的經時變化。試驗結果發現遮光可延遲抽穗,尤以早期處理與稉稻之反應最為明顯。日射量不足並顯著影響產量,最重要的生育階段為減數分裂期與穗部快速充實期,均嚴重影響除穗數之外的其他三項產量構成要素。品種間的表現雖有差異存在,但本省15個推廣品種之產量均僅為對照組之50弱以下,顯示日射量對水稻生長的重要性。 抽穗時植株之乾物重受遮光的影響很大,孕穗期處理時,稈部乾重僅為對照之65%(梗稻)與75%(秈稻)。二期作於抽穗前施以遮光,植株內氮素濃度升高,顯示處理對光合成作用之影響大於對氮吸收之影響;抽穗後之處理則對氮濃度不生作用或使濃度降低。一期作的各項反應不如二期作明顯。期作間比較發現減數分裂期以後,二期作稻葉片內氮濃度較一期作為高,稈部則相似或亦略高。 非構造性碳水化合物方面,水稻生育初期行遮光處理固可使濃度降低,但隨後逐漸回升,至抽穗時已不呈差異。抽穗前後之處理則急劇而明顯的減少莖稈內碳水化合物濃度,處理結束後之濃度同升亦較不明顯。在兩期作均發現,減數分裂期如日射量不足,會減少抽穗後源自莖稈的養分再分佈;乳熟期進行處理,則穗部不充實的原因為光合成能力受到影響。對二期作水稻數種重要元素進行分析結果,發現任何生育階段行遮光處理均導致葉片鉀濃度降低,而莖稈鉀濃度大幅上升。遮光對葉片磷濃度的影響不大,但稈部則有多量磷的累積。二者對遮光的反應顯示低日射量可能經由營養狀態而對葉片生理活性及碳水化合物的轉化與轉流發生作用。 Eighty percent of shadiag for 10 days was performed at successive growth stages of 45 varieties of rice. Heading date, yield and components were investigated. The influence of shading on dry matter production and the concentrations of several major nutrients were also analyzed. Shading had a definite effect in delaying the heading date of all varieties. The effect was more prominent for japonica varieties or when treatments were executed at early growth stages. Grain yield was severely reduced by shading especially at meiosis stage and rapid grain-filling period. Results showed that number of spikelet per panicle, percent of seed-setting and 1,000-grain-weight were the components responsible for the low grain yield. Although varietal difference existed, shading reduced the yield of 15 Taiwan varieties by 50% or more when compared to the untreated check, suggesting the importance of solar radiation to the normal growth and development of rice plants. Dry weight per plant was also affected by shading. When treated at the booting stage, culm dry weight was only 65% (japonica rice) or 75% (indica rice) of that of the check plants. For the second crop rice, shading before the the commencement of heading increased N concentration which indicated that the treatment had a more pronounced effect on photosynthesis than on N uptake. The effect was less significant when shading was performed after heading or in the first crop season. Shading at early growth stages also reduced TNC concentrations in the rice plants. However, the concentrations recovered to that of the check when plants approached heading. Treatments about 0 days before or after heading significantly decreased TNC concentrations in the culm and the subsequent recovery was less obvious. Low solar radiation at meiosis stage could also reduce the contribution of pre-heading storage to the grain yield. Potassium concentrations decreased in the leaf blade hut increased in the culm for shading treatment performed at any stage of rice development. Shading had little effect on the P concentrations in the leaf blade. However, accumulation of P in the culm was observed. Results suggested that shading could affect the physiolcgical activities of leaf blade and the interconversion and translocation of carbohydrates through altering the mineral nutrition of the rice plants. |
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